Monday, October 4, 2010

Patterns, patterns, patterns

Unless you know, it is pretty hard to tell what this picture shows. So you don't keep guessing, it is a sand bar along the bank of the Colorado River in Marble Canyon. Sometimes, you have to step back and take a second, longer look at the world around you to notice the patterns. Some patterns are obvious, like clouds in the sky, but others are more subtle, like the sand bar above. I find it interesting that many people see no patterns at all. To them, all nature is blur, a background to their life they never see and never experience. How long has it been since you sat and watched the sun set? I mean, watched the light and shadows change slowly as the sun sinks below the horizon? Do you really see what is around you? 

As a photographer, I deal in patterns. It is amazing how the real world is translated and changed by the camera and the light recording process.

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