Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pinnacle Peak Park, Scottsdale, Arizona

Located in the northern portion of Scottsdale, Arizona, Pinnacle Peak Park is a 150 acre preserve with a 1.75 mile trail circling the prominent rock formation. Scottsdale's Website describes the trail as follows:
The Sierra Club rates the 150-acre Pinnacle Peak as a moderate hike with an elevation gain of approximately 1,300 feet. The trail has a very smooth tread with a number of ups and downs over the course of the 1.75 mile trail (one way). It is not a loop trail so you come back over the same trail. High point on the trail is 2,889', the lowest point is 2,366', and the elevation at the trailhead is 2,570'. Hiking, horseback riding and rock climbing will take you to spectacular views of the valley . Rock climbing, for experienced climbers with appropriate gear, is permitted in three areas of the park with a variety of routes and skill levels.

Amenities are a parking area (trailers are ok), restroom, drinking fountain, ramada, and 4 picnic tables.

Like all of the trails around the Salt River Valley, they are best enjoyed in the late fall, winter or early spring when temperatures are in the 70s or 80s and not well over 100 degrees. The peak and surrounding rocky area are made up of a decomposed granite (quartz, biotite mica and feldspar). The rounded shape of the rocks comes from the weathering due to the extremes from freezing cold to baking hot. It is a popular day hike but is also a draw for local rock climbers.

I have mixed feelings about Pinnacle Peak stemming from the fact that it is encircled with extremely expensive homes. During the time from 1994 until 2002, the area was actually inaccessible due to the surrounding development. In my mind, it is a symbol of all that is bad about urban sprawl into the deserts. There is almost no place on the trail that you cannot see green manicured golf courses! I am glad the mountain is reopened for public use however.

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