The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show is underway in, you guessed it, Tucson, Arizona. Although there are mineral dealers in Tucson all year, during the last part of January and until the middle of February, there are hundreds of dealers who gather from all over the world to sell, trade and generally talk about gems, minerals, beads, jewelry and anything else you could reasonably sell.
It would take days just to walk around and view all the sales areas. The biggest event is held in the Tucson Convention Center, this year the weekend of February 14, 2010. Entrance to most of the shows (read sales centers) are free, but there is a small charge for the main show. Few conventions take over a town as completely as does the Gem and Mineral Show.
There is only one word to describe the gems and minerals shown at the show: fabulous. We drive down and spend the day or even stay over night and spend two days, without seeing even a small part of all of the exhibits. Would you like to buy a complete stegosaurus skeleton? You can at the show. Could you spend $100,000 or more on one mineral specimen? Easily. If you haven't been to a first class mineral exhibit, you cannot imagine the color, the variety and absolute beauty of the fabulous (yes, I used the word again) minerals at this show.
give us a call if you come in this year, maybe we can do lunch!