Thursday, July 4, 2019

Coca Castle Moat

From books and movies, I had a standard concept of a castle that includes a moat. Here is a short description of moats from Wikipedia: Moat.
A moat is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or filled with water, that is dug and surrounds a castle, fortification, building or town, historically to provide it with a preliminary line of defence. In some places moats evolved into more extensive water defences, including natural or artificial lakes, dams and sluices. In older fortifications, such as hillforts, they are usually referred to simply as ditches, although the function is similar. In later periods, moats or water defences may be largely ornamental. They could also act as a sewer.
 I guess my idea of moats and castles changed dramatically the moment I realized I was looking at a real castle and a real moat. This is Coca Castle in Spain. The moat is about 60 to 70 feet deep and was probably filled with water at some time. I have revised almost all I have seen about castles from movies. What you might have seen is mostly fantasy.

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