Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Apricot Tree on the Hill

We live a few hundred yards from the Bonneville Shoreline Trail on the eastern edge of Utah Valley. The trail is high above all the houses in the Valley and runs for over 100 miles along the edge of what was once a giant lake, Lake Bonneville. We walk the trail in the warm months and snowshoe the trail when it is covered in snow. Part of the trail near our home was once a farm with fruit trees. This old apricot tree is standing all alone on the side of the mountain. You would have to zoom in on the photo to see the apricots but it is covered with hundreds. We have an especially heavy apricot crop this year, likely because of the heavy snow cover and rain.


  1. Beautiful. But...I don't see any popcorn on the apricot tree!! :-P
