Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Original Macintosh Computer

I was in attendance in San Francisco, California in 1984 for the first public showing of the new Macintosh computer. It was an amazing experience. I owned and operated a retail computer store that was an Apple dealership for about 11 years. It was challenging. I still use Apple computers. I also have extensive experience with Windows-based computers and everything in between. I still prefer using my iMac more than any other computer I have used over the years.


  1. We had one two we used in our Department at work. Prior to that, we had an Apple Lisa, which I seem to recall cost $25,000. But most of the work we did was from computer terminals connecting to the IBM mainframe in the basement.

    1. We had a Lisa in our store. It was so noisy that we could not stand to have it turned on. It had a high pitched whine. We were glad we we got rid of it. We never ended up selling even one. But maybe we sold the one we had, I can't remember.
