There are 29 miles of trails through the desert in the Usery Mountain Regional Park. The Wind Cave trail winds up onto the side of the mountains and ends at a huge hollow in the rock face. The band of light colored rock, where the cave is located, is visible from most of the eastern part of the Salt River Valley, although after years of living in Mesa, the view becomes almost invisible. The trail is suitable for younger children, but becomes a little steep and unless they are used to hiking, they will probably asked to be carried some of the way. This is one of the first hikes my children probably remember.
The entrance road to the Park continues over Usery Pass and then down into the Salt River valley and joins up with the Bush Highway. The circuit from Power Road in Mesa, over the hill to the Bush Highway and then along the Salt River to Usery Mountain Road and back over the Pass is a favorite with bike riders. The road can be dangerous due to its proximity to Saguaro Lake and huge amount of traffic generated on weekends and holidays.
Thanks to Flickr for the photo.
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