Thursday, July 23, 2020

Drought in Utah

At the time of this post, Utah is currently suffering from drought. This condition has, with a few seasons of exception, has been going off and on for many years. Here is an assessment of the condition from
The U.S. Drought Monitor started in 2000. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1-D4) in Utah lasted 288 weeks beginning on April 3, 2001 and ending on October 3, 2006. The most intense period of drought occurred the week of July 23, 2002 where D4 affected 33.44% of Utah land.
Presently, almost the entire state is in some stage of drought. The photo above shows Silver Lake, a small reservoir in the Wasatch Mountains. The brown area surrounding the lake is the part normally covered by water. This reservoir was likely drawn down to supply a larger reservoir lower down the mountain known as Tribble Fork Reservoir which underwent extensive dam reconstruction. But both Silver Lake and Tribble Fork are extremely low and reflect the dry conditions of the state. 

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