Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Knockdown by Mahonri Young

Artists, paintings, sculpture, and practically everything else from the western part of the United States is almost entirely missing from the National Gallery and the other exhibits which are part of the Smithsonian Museums in Washington, D.C. Here is one of the few exceptions. This small sculpture is by Mohonri Young. Here is what the Smithsonian has to say about the artist.
Mahonri Young loved sports when he was a boy and often attended boxing matches with his younger brother, Wally. On a trip to Paris in 1926, he began his popular Prizefighter series, which includes The Knockdown. Images of sporting events and athletes were very popular in the American art market during the 1920s and 1930s, and Young's pieces, which emphasize the excitement and danger of boxing, brought him widespread recognition. Here, he captured the moment when the loser falls to the mat, emphasizing his defeat by making his body appear to melt into the base of the sculpture. The winner, in contrast, seems to spring upward as he follows through with a devastating left hook.
What did they leave out? Here is a quote from the Wikipedia article about Mohonri Young.
Mahonri Macintosh Young (August 9, 1877 – November 2, 1957) was an American sculptor and artist. Although he lived most of his life in New York City, two of his works, the This Is The Place Monument and the Seagull Monument are featured prominently in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mahonri was the grandson of the second President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and first Governor of Utah, Brigham Young.
Hmm. Perhaps they don't know Utah is part of the United States?


  1. Hello ! Can I ask you a question ? Do you remember which exposition is and when ? I need to know for my personal research please, thank you :)
