Saturday, April 15, 2017

Lac van Rhijn Tulip 1620

This is the "Lac van Rhijn" Tulip (Liliaceae tulipa Lac van Rijn). At one time, back in 1620, one bulb of this tulip weighing 5 grams sold for 175 Dutch guilders or eight months wages for the average hand laborer. Here is a quote from about this tulip.
This was during the heydays of the tulip mania period, a time when a few bulbs could be valued as much as the prize of a stately canal house in the city of Hoorn, one of the more prosperous cities of the Dutch East India Company. In fact there is still a house in this once wealthy area which displays a façade stone depicting three tulips - the price at which the house was bought for at that time.
This rare flower was exhibited at the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival in Lehi, Utah.

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