Thursday, May 18, 2017

Sea Anemone

A sea anemone is actually a predatory animal. They are sessile polyps attached at the bottom by an adhesive foot called a basal disc. Here is a diagram of the interior of a sea anemone from Wikipedia: Sea anemone.

By Lydiakurkoski - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
1. Tentacles 2. Mouth 3. Retracting muscles 4. Gonads 5. Acontial filaments 6. Pedal disk 7. Ostium 8. Coelenteron 9. Sphincter muscle 10. Mesentery 11. Column 12. Pharynx Sea anemones have soft tube-like bodies. The external structure consists of the tentacles, the oral disk, and the pedal disk. can be found.The tentacles, which are covered in nematocysts, capture, and transport prey to the oral disk. The oral disk serves as both the mouth and the anus. The mouth is the opening to the coelenteron, a single sac-like cavity that performs all digestive functions. The pedal disk attaches the sea anemone to hard surfaces. The internal structure of a sea anemone consists of the contracting muscles, the gonads, the acontial filaments, and the ostium. The retracting muscles consist of simple longitudinal fibers that contract to move the anemone vertically. The sphincter muscles allow the tentacles to close over the oral disk. The gonads can be found in the mesentery. The ostium are where water is let in and out of the anemone. The acontial filaments are found in the bottom sac section of the coelenteron. The acontial filaments are laden with nematocysts. Acontia filaments are used for protection from predators.

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