Thursday, November 24, 2011

Patterns of our lives

I think we have a very limited view of perfection. We think perfection is simple, easily comprehended and young and beautiful. I think perfection is old, very old. Survival is perfection. Real beauty comes from overcoming adversity. Youthful beauty is only a promise, not the fulfillment. However age alone does not equate to perfection. As we age, our faces and our countenance show the pattern of our lives. Enduring to the end is part of perfection, as is completing your work, your purpose and the plan of your life while you are yet on the earth.  "Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. (2 Ne. 31:20.) That is to say all the faithful Saints, all of those who have endured to the end, depart this life with the absolute guarantee of eternal life. There is no equivocation, no doubt, no uncertainty in our minds. Those who have been true and faithful in this life will not fall by the wayside in the life to come. If they keep their covenants here and now and depart this life firm and true in the testimony of our blessed Lord, they shall come forth with an inheritance of eternal life."
--Bruce R. McConkie, "The Dead Who Die in the Lord," Ensign, Nov. 1976, 106

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